Children’s music creators! We are excited to open entries for the 2024 Children’s Music Awards Ngā Manu Tīrairaka. If you released a song, video, or album between 1 Jan 2023 – 31 Dec 2023 you could be eligible to enter! Plus, we’ve made a couple of changes, read more below.
We are excited to introduce two subcategories for the APRA Best Children’s Song Award | Waiata Tamariki Toa that will allow songs to be judged based on the song’s target age group – Preschool or Primary. This means there will be two winners, one for each sub-category. Each song is able to be entered in either category, but not both.
As usual we also welcome entries for NZ On Air Best Children’s Music Video | He Manu Tūtei, while entries for Recorded Music NZ Te Kaipuoro Waiata Tamariki Toa | Best Children's Artist are also now open.
There is also an additional category being introduced this year: the Kōkako Award for Best Children's Performance. This is a collaboration between Kiwi Kids Music, the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and NZ Opera, and serves to highlight the wonderful performances from the tamariki of Aotearoa.
Links to all entry forms can be found below including all eligibility criteria. Entries for all awards close 5pm Monday 4 March.
The Children’s Music Awards champion the music of our home-grown songwriting heroes – the wildly varied assortment of creators that write music for our youngest music fans. The awards will be presented at a special ceremony at Tuning Fork, Auckland on Sunday 5 May.
Have a question? Get in touch! [email protected]
The Best Children’s Song Award celebrates artists creating music that captivates young audiences around Aotearoa. This category is split into two age groups – Preschool & Primary.
The NZ On Air Best Children's Music Video recognises our passionate creators who entertain our tamariki through lively and fun video content!
Best Children's Artist Award applauds the hardworking kaipuoro and kaiwaiata releasing projects that reach young ears all around the motu.
This is a collaboration between Kiwi Kids Music, the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra and NZ Opera, and serves to highlight the wonderful performances from the tamariki of Aotearoa.
Brought to you by APRA AMCOS NZ, Recorded Music NZ, NZ On Air, and Suzy Cato.