We're delighted to announce that Hinewehi Mohi (MNZM) has been appointed as the new Pītau-whakarewa / Māori Membership Growth & Development Leader for APRA AMCOS NZ.
The role has been created to honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi, embrace and create space for Te Ao Māori within our business, contribute towards the growth and future of Māori music, and support and engage with our Māori members within a Te Ao Māori framework. The title was gifted to us by Rob Ruha and is synonymous with regeneration, growth and leadership that draws people together.
The role will support Waiata Māori, composers, artists and communities. It will interact throughout the music industry to advocate, develop opportunity, knowledge and understanding.
We feel very honoured to have Hinewehi take on this role. Her three decade career as a singer/songwriter and performer within Māori performing arts, and background as a leader, mentor, and advocate for te reo me ngā tikanga Māori will be invaluable.
Hinewehi has produced a wide array of programming for TV in New Zealand, across TVNZ, TV3, and Maori TV, with a particular focus on music-related content. She's also been a programming commissioner at Maori TV, an advisor to the Auckland Council, director, researcher, reporter, and radio host, all the while continuing to impress local and international audiences with her voice and songs. She has been a champion of the Raukatauri Music Therapy Centre, recently co-produced the brilliant Waiata Anthems album, and has been awarded for her work across the arts sector multiple times, including being a finalist for New Zealander of the year, and becoming a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Māori.
All of these experiences have left her with a strong ability to be resourceful and organised, while motivating, leading, and inspiring others - perfect qualities for the Pītau-whakarewa role.
"We come from a rich tradition of waiata, and contemporary music is a powerful way to celebrate our unique musicality and cultural heritage. Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamua – reflecting on where we’ve come from inspires confidence in moving forward. I’m very excited to be joining the APRA whānau in the role of Pītau-whakarewa, to contribute to the growth and future of Māori music. Hoake!" - Hinewehi Mohi, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tūhoe
"It’s such a privilege to welcome Hinewehi to APRA, to offer our members Māori leadership, and to embrace Te Ao Māori in our organisation. Hinewehi brings such wairua and passion to this role. I’m incredibly excited about the possibilities and opportunities that she represents for all of us" - Victoria Kelly, Director of Member Services NZ.
"It feels fitting that our first announcement of 2020 is such a significant one. Our commitment to waiata Maori is strong and to have Hinewehi on our team is a privilege. The possibilities are enormously exciting" - Anthony Healey, Head of New Zealand Operations.
Nō mātou tonu te hōnore nui ki te whakapāoho whānui i te whakawhiwhitanga o Hinewehi Mohi (MNZM) ki te tūranga hōu e kiia nei ko ‘Pītau-Whakarewa.’ Ko Hinewehi te ūpoko o te kāhui whakatipu ki APRA AMCOS NZ, otirā, te kaiārahi whakawhanake i ngā mema Māori.
I whānau mai tēnei tūranga ki te whakamana i Te Tiriti o Waitangi, ki te tauawhi i Te Ao Māori ki roto i tēnei ao puoro, otirā, ki te tautoko i te whakatipuranga o te puoro Māori kia whai reo ngā mema Māori ki roto i te mahere rautaki e kiia nei ko ‘Te Ao Māori.’ Nā Rob Ruha tēnei taitara i tākoha mai, ā, ka tūhono ki te whakahoutanga, ki te hautūtanga me te whakatipuranga o te puoro e kukuti ai te marea.
Ka tautoko tēnei tūranga mahi i ngā Waiata Māori, i ngā Kaitito Māori, i ngā Kaiwaiata Māori, otirā, te hapori puoro Māori. Ka pāhekoheko tēnei tūranga mahi ki te waha i ngā whakaaro e tipu ai ko angitu, ko mōhio, ko mārama ki te ao whānui o puoro.
Nō mātou tonu o APRA AMCOS NZ te hōnore nui i te whakaaro kua whakaae mai a Hinewehi ki te tūranga nei. Inā hoki te nui o ngā whēako kua rongo nei a Hinewehi i ngā tau toru tekau, nōna e tito waiata ana, e whakangahau ana ki roto i te ao whakaari Māori. Ko ōna pūkenga ā-Kaiārahi, ā-Māngai, ā-Reo me ōna tikanga kei tawhiti!
Inā hoki te huhua o ngā hōtaka pouaka whakaata kua whakaputa ia Hinewehi ki Aotearoa whānui. I Te Teihana o Aotearoa (TVNZ), Te Teihana Tuatoru (TV3), otirā, Te Teihana Māori. (MTS) Ko te katoa o ngā hōtaka he puoro ōna pakiaka. Ko ētahi o ōna pahawatanga: I tētahi wā ko Hinewehi ‘Te Hōtaka Kōmihana o Whakaata Māori,’ tētahi o ngā ‘Kaiwhakahaere o Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau,’ he ‘Ringatohu,’ he ‘Kairangahau,’ otirā, he ‘Kaipāoho Reo Irirangi.’ Koinei ētahi o āna mahi e rangitāmiro nei ki ana mahi whakangahau i te motu, otirā te ao me tana reo rōreka. Nā Hinewehi tonu Te Whare Whakaaturanga Waiata o Raukatauri i whakaora, otirā, te kōpae kohinga waiata o ‘Waiata Anthems’ i whakaemi ki ētahi atu. Inā hoki te huhua o ngā wā kua whakawhiwhi a Hinewehi ki ngā tohu kairangi mō āna mahi ki roto i te ao puoro. Hei āpiti atu ko Hinewehi tētahi i whai waahi ki ngā whiringa toa mō te tohu ‘Whakareinuku Toa o Aotearoa,’ (New Zealander of the year) otirā, i whakawhiwhi a Hinewehi ki te tohu hei ‘Mema o te Whare Paremata o Aotearoa’ (New Zealand Order of Merit) mō āna mahi hāpai i te iwi Māori.
A kāti, he pūrangiaho te kitenga atu i te ringa raupā, i te ringa raupī tāngata a Hinewehi. Ko te katoa o ōna whēako hei tauira whakakitenga, hei kaiārahi mō te āpōpō, e kitea ai te kōunga o te ‘Pītau-whakarewa.’
“He mea taheke te kōunga o te waiata i ngā kāwai tuku iho, me te aha, mā ngā oro o tēnei ao tātou whakanui ai i te ahureinga me ngā tukuihotanga o te ahurea. Titiro whakamuri, kōkiri whakamua – He hokinga mahara e maro mahue i raurangi rā. E rikarika ana i te whakaaro ka piri atu au ki te whānau o APRA ki te whakakī i te tūranga o ‘Pītau-whakarewa kia whai waahi atu ki te whakatipu, ki te whakawhanake i te āpōpō o te ao puoro Māori. Hoake!” - Hinewehi Mohi, Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngāi Tūhoe.
Kia tōaitia anō rā i te korero, otirā, te hōnore nui mō mātou o APRA AMCOS NZ i tō whakaaetanga e Hinewehi ki tēnei tūranga. Nau mai haere mai! Haere mai rā ki te whāngai i o pūkenga, i o mātauranga, e mārama kehokeho ai ngā mema Māori ki o ihi, ki o tapu, kia rongo tēnei pakihi i Te Ao Māori me ōna katoa. Ko Hinewehi te kaikawe o tēnei mea te aroha me te wairua uruhau! E rikarika ana taku katoa i te pito mata, otirā, ngā angitutanga pea kei tua i te awe māpara. - Victoria Kelly, Kaiwhakahaere o Ngā Mema me ngā Ratonga o Aotearoa. (Director of Member Services NZ.)
Kua tau a kikopuku i te whakaaro, ko te whakapāohotanga tuatahi mō te tau 2020, inā hoki te nui o tōna mana. Ko ngā here o APRA AMCOS NZ ki ngā waiata Māori he pakari, ā, nō te kuhutanga mai o Hinewehi ki a mātou kāore tonu he kupu ki te whakaatu i taku hari, i taku koa, heoi anō rā he mihi ki ngā tini hua kei te pari e whitawhita mai ana! - Anthony Healey, Te Ūpoko o Ngā Kaiwhakahaere o Aotearoa. (Head of New Zealand Operations.)