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Music and AI: Make your voice heard

Media Published Monday 3 June 2024

APRA AMCOS members: tell us what role AI will play in your music creator future

Take our short survey

We want to make sure that we do all we can to advocate for our members as AI impacts music creators and the value of music.

We are asking all APRA AMCOS members to participate in the survey so that we can share as many voices as possible when we speak with local and national governments. Our survey is the largest of its kind to date in Australasia. All submissions are collected anonymously.

It takes about 7-10 minutes to complete. We will share the results publicly and present them to the Government in August 2024.

Take the survey


  • CEO Dean Ormston shared a message to members, calling for Consent, Credit and Compensation.
  • APRA AMCOS has a seat at the table with Dean appointed to the Steering Committee of the Attorney-General’s Copyright and Artificial Intelligence Reference Group (CAIRG).
  • Read our submission on behalf of members to the Government's Select Committee on Adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Take the survey