Over the last few months our friend Pennie Black saved us a slot on her 95bFM show to hang out with some hot shots of the New Zealand music industry for an in depth chat on what they do, how they got to where they are, and how they can help you. The 'People in your Neighbourhood' series features Publicists, Promoters, Bookers, Publishers, Music Industry advocates, Academics and an immense wealth of knowledge of the inner workings of the industry. Check out Pennie's series of interviews below.
Gabe Andrews, Member Services Representative from APRA AMCOS joins Pennie to discuss what APRA AMCOS does, how they help musicians, collecting royalties from various streams, the upcoming Silver Scroll Awards, the Song Hubs programme + more...
Jeff Newton, Music Promoter - Platforms at NZonAir, joins Pennie in the studio to discuss music funding. In particular New Music Singles, New Music Project funding and the radio plugging initiative New Tracks.
Peter Dickens of MusicHelps joins Pennie in the studio to discuss how the charity is dedicated to developing and sustaining exciting projects that all have one thing in common: they change lives through music. Peter takes us through Music Therapy, Grants, Backline (MusicHelps Wellbeing Service), the Benevolent Fund, and talks about NZ Music T-Shirt Day.
Dean Cameron of Recorded Music NZ joins Pennie in the studio to discuss what the organisation is responsible for: collecting royalties on Master Recording Rights, The NZ Music Charts, The NZ Music Awards, International Standard Recording Codes, and how all these things are important for artists.
Pennie is joined in the studio by Graham Reid - journalist, author, broadcaster, arts educator and all round good guy. As well as being a Professional Teaching Fellow at the University of Auckland School Of Music, Graham is behind the magazine website Elsewhere.co.nz which provides features, interviews and reviews music, film, travel and other cultural issues.
Pennie is joined in the studio by Bridge - 95bFM Programming Assistant + Booker, 95bFM Host -Wednesday 1 to 4pm, Community Garden Promoter, Representative for The Grow Room, Percussionist for The Nae Nae Express, Solo Artist Hasji, Ethnomusicologist, seller of Electric Bikes at Big Street Bikers and all round renaissance man.
Pennie is joined in the studio by Anna Loveys - Marketing + Publicity extraordinaire for Saint Lachine, Flying Nun and Flying Out. They discuss what a publicist does, and at what stage an artist might need one.
Pennie is joined in the studio by Matt Tanner - Head of Creative Services for Native Tongue Music Publishing. They discuss what A+R is, and what his role encompasses within a publishing company.
Teresa Patterson from MMF joins Pennie in the studio to discuss her wealth of music industry experience, from starting out at major labels to publicity, management, promotion and much more. Teresa along with Lani Purkis and Julia Deans are the team behind Milk and Honey Festival. Now in it's second year, the festival celebrates women and diversity.
Dylan Pellet from Independent Music NZ (IMNZ) joins Pennie in the studio to talk about advocating and educating on behalf of independent artists and labels, the Going Global Summit, and the Taite Music Awards.