SoundCheck Aotearoa is an action group formed in 2020 with the mission to foster a safe and inclusive culture for the music community. As part of our commitment to addressing sexual harm in the music community in Aotearoa, we are offering a series of Professional Respect Training days.
These are free of charge for members of our music community. Each day starts at 9am and finishes at 5pm, with lunch provided.
The Professional Respect training days have been developed by sexual harm prevention specialist Rachel Harrison, in conjunction with SoundCheck Aotearoa, based on a model for similar training that has been rolled out across the screen sector.
The training day is friendly and interactive, with content covering definitions of sexual harassment and sexual harm within New Zealand legislation, guidance for receiving disclosures and supporting survivors, practical tips for bystander intervention, WorkSafe obligations and legal requirements for workplaces, and strategies for prevention and fostering a respectful work environment.
Meanwhile if you are looking for support, help, advice or resources relating to sexual harm, please check out the Resources and Tools section of our website here: or reach out to us by email.
Soundcheck Aotearoa
Professional Respect Training Workshops
Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington
Venue TBC