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Tairāwhiti Album released: Te Ai o Te Rā

Story Published Thursday 25 July 2024

‘Te Ai o Te Rā' - This album, released on July 25th, celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Te Tairāwhiti and their unique ‘coastie’ style, while also paying homage to the trailblazers of composition from the region. The album was led by haka matriarchs Kuini Moehau Reedy and Tangiwai Ria.

In 2023 the first Kapa Haka SongHubs was held in Tūranganui-a-Kiwa, Gisborne with the purpose of encouraging kapa haka composers across Aotearoa to compose new anthems for their regions.

Earlier this year the participants gathered to record this album of kapa haka originals - the first release of its kind.

Songwriters and performers: Greg Koia, Haley Maxwell, Kuini Moehau Reedy, Kōkā Hauwai, Lewis Whaitiri, Makere Kupenga, Maumahara Horsfall, Mikaia Leach, Mātai Smith, Phil Tarawa, Raniera Samuels, Ruth Smith, Tame Tuari, Tangiwai Ria, Tatana Tuari, Te Amorutu Broughton, Te Rauhuia Ngata, Te Rina Kowhai, Tei Nohotima, Wayne Ngata, Kaea Hills, Gracie Kopua and Eruera Ria.