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2021 APRA Silver Scroll Awards | Kaitito Kaiaka UPDATE

Media Published Friday 4 February 2022
APRA Silver Scrolls 2021

Some of you may remember we were planning to hold our postponed 2021 Silver Scroll Awards | Kaitito Kaiaka on March 3rd. However the arrival of the omicron variant and its rapid spread have obviously meant a change in perspective.

Given the current health advice and modelling, and the risks involved in pushing forward with events in these circumstances, even though it’s heart-breaking to confront, it seems clear that we won’t be able to proceed with an in-person show on March 3rd – not just in terms of health and safety concerns, but with mana, respect, and value for everyone involved.

We’re also not in a position to postpone the 2021 awards show further – partly because we don’t know how Covid will affect Aotearoa as we draw closer to winter, but also because it will become tangled up in the 2022 awards, which we’re very much hoping to hold in October.

This means unfortunately our 2021 awards show is cancelled, and we’re looking at alternative digital/online ways we can honour and celebrate our amazing 2021 finalists and winners during March instead. Keep your eye out for an announcement of the date and time soon.

We’re also very grateful to share the news that Rob and Cilla Ruha will remain as our Music Directors for the 2022 awards, and their beautiful vision for the show will remain intact.

We're disappointed not to celebrate in person as we’d hoped in March, but we still want to highlight the incredible songs, waiata, and compositions of our members, and we’re looking forward to having a great in-person celebration later in the year.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact Lydia Jenkin on [email protected]