APRA AMCOS is committed to fostering a safe, respectful, and inclusive environment for everyone.
We expect everyone involved with APRA AMCOS to respect others, and to act lawfully, safely and responsibly. These expectations apply to our members, staff, advisory groups, award nominees, award winners and others involved in any APRA AMCOS function, event and program, and to partners and contractors in their dealings with APRA AMCOS.
We believe everyone should be treated fairly and in accordance with the APRA AMCOS’ core values of respect and accountability (you can read more about our values and culture here)
We believe there is no place for any form of discrimination, harassment, bullying, vilification, sexual harassment or violence in our workplace, our industry and our society.
We respect cultural, ethnic, religious, disability, age, gender and sexual orientation differences.
Our expectation is we all act with integrity, transparency and honesty, staying professional and courteous and always creating and maintaining a safe environment for others.
We ask ourselves and our community to speak up if there are breaches of these expectations.
APRA AMCOS reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to take any action it deems appropriate to uphold these expectations, including in respect of its functions, awards, events and programs.
In the spirit of open communication and constant improvement, we encourage people to speak up if they wish to raise an issue, concern or complaint in relation to this Statement of Expectations. You can do this by contacting any of the following people:
Additional Resources
This Statement of Expectations is supplementary to the APRA AMCOS Code of Conduct:
For independent and external support, please refer to the support services at SoundCheck Aotearoa and/or MusicHelps: