APRA AMCOS can manage certain music rights on your behalf to make sure you get paid royalties when someone, anywhere in the world, uses your music.
From cafés to television ads, we track and pay royalties to music creators when their music is played around the globe.
Production Music is written and recorded specifically for the synchronisation or dubbing into your audio and audiovisual productions. And it's totally free to sign up!
What is copyright and how does it work?
Copyright is a legal right that generally belongs to the original creator of a work.
Copyright protects literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works. It also protects sound recordings, films, published editions, performances and broadcasts. A song may have more than one copyright. The lyrics will be protected as a literary work and the music as a musical work. A recording of the song will also be separately protected as a sound recording.
Generally the composer or author of music or lyrics is the first owner of copyright in the work.
However, if you create music or lyrics as part of your employment, your employer is usually the first owner of copyright.
Similarly, if you create a work under the direction or control of a government body, the government would own copyright in the absence of an agreement to the contrary.
Copyright owners in music and lyrics have a number of exclusive rights.
Anyone who wants to use a protected work in any of the ways outlined below will usually need the copyright owner’s permission. He or she may also have to pay a royalty.
Copyright owners have the right to:
In the music industry, these rights are usually grouped in the following way:
There is a separate copyright in the sound recording of a musical work (with or without lyrics). The person or company that owns the rights in the recording owns the right to copy it, record it, perform it, communicate it to the public or rent it out.
Copyright lasts for the life of the author + 50 years
Generally copyright in music and lyrics lasts for the life of the author or creator, plus 50 years after the end of the calendar year in which the author dies.
If the work was not published, broadcast, performed or records of the work had not been offered or exposed for sale to the public until after the creator’s death, copyright will last for 50 years from the end of the calendar year of first publication, broadcast, performance or when records of the work were offered or exposed for sale to the public.
When copyright in a work expires, it is in the public domain and anyone can use it without having to obtain permission or pay a fee.
How do I copyright and register my works?
Copyright and registration are two separate things.
Copyright is free and automatic.
That's right—you don’t have to do anything to ‘get’ copyright; it's there from the moment you write down or record the song. So as soon as you create a new song or piece of music, you have copyright in it.
Register works with APRA AMCOS.
To ensure you receive royalties when your work is played or performed, you must register your songs and compositions through the Writer Portal or App.
Who can join APRA?
If you write or compose your own songs, you may be eligible to join APRA. You'll also need to match one or more of the following criteria:
You can't join if you're a member of an overseas Performing Rights Organisation. If you're in a band, only the members who write or compose music need to join.
Who can join AMCOS?
Joining AMCOS is separate from joining APRA. You may want to join AMCOS if you have unpublished works released on a recording for sale to the public or reproduced in a production music recording. You can join AMCOS if:
What is OneMusic New Zealand?
OneMusic is a joint licensing initiative between APRA AMCOS and Recorded Music NZ. OneMusic licenses businesses that use music on behalf of APRA AMCOS and Recorded Music NZ, who return the licence fees collected to music creators – songwriters, composers, music publishers, recording artists and record labels – as royalties.
Both are member organisations, which means that after administration costs all money collected is returned to music creators as royalties. Having permission to use music in a business setting is required by law, and a OneMusic licence grants businesses the permission they need to use essentially all commercially released music from anywhere around the world.
What music can I play under my APRA AMCOS licence?
An APRA AMCOS licence covers the majority of copyright music being played, except:
If you believe you may be using music which does not require an APRA AMCOS licence, please contact us for further information.