Get recognition for your work. Discover which competitions and initiatives for songwriters, composers, and other members of the music industry run throughout the year.
Since 1965, we've recognised and celebrated the artistic excellence and success of music creators across mulitple genres - with the peer-voted APRA Silver Scroll being the ultimate prize.
Since 2016, we've been partnering emerging and established APRA AMCOS members with renowned international songwriters and producers from all over the world to collaborate for SongHubs.
We work to spread New Zealand music locally and abroad by connecting our members with information about funding opportunites and other grants available.
Learn more about the work of SoundCheck Aotearoa, an action group formed in 2019 with a mission to foster a safe and inclusive culture for the music community.
Do you run a local project or event that supports our members’ music? You might be eligible for the Music Sponsorship Programme. We fund key music organisations, showcases, small festivals, mentoring projects and more.
This holistic approach benefits more people by creating unique opportunities and growing the industry. Learn more below.
Learn how New Zealand's music industry contributes to our cultural and economic landscape. Read an overview of the key data or get stuck into the full reports.