We have systems in place to make sure any complaint, comment, or compliment you make is handled in a fair, efficient, and transparent manner.
Learn more about different types of feedback and how each is handled.
We love hearing when we do something well or ways we could serve you better.
If you have a suggestion for how we could improve or want to compliment a specific staff member or team, let us know! We'd be happy to forward your feedback to the relevant department.
If you're a member, we can help you resolve any dispute you may have with us or other writers or publishers. Alternatively, the matter may be referred to independent dispute resolution facilitator, Resolution Pathways.
If you do not agree with how we apply licences to your business, with our fees, or with any of our services please let us know. The matter may be referred to an independent dispute resolution facilitator, Resolution Pathways.
A complaint has to do with the conduct of APRA AMCOS or that of our staff. We'll do our best to resolve your complaint quickly and to your satisfaction. At the end of the year a third-party Code Reviewer determines whether we were in breach of the Code of Conduct for Collection Societies.
We encourage those who are aware of wrongdoing to speak up. APRA AMCOS whistleblower policy supports our commitment to the highest standards of corporate compliance and ethics.
When you raise a Reportable Matter you can choose to be anonymous. The matter may be refered to an external investigator or expert for a formal investigation. Read the APRA AMCOS whistleblower policy to learn more.