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The new cue sheet portal is here

Story Published Wednesday 24 April 2024

The new Cue Sheet Portal makes it easier to submit cue sheets.

Submitting an accurate and complete cue sheet will help you get paid faster, linking usage to your works as soon as it’s reported to us.

Includes a new format for games composers to submit.

It's easier to use and will help you get paid faster.

The new Cue Sheet Portal is live and if you're a screen composer (TV, Film, SVOD, Games, etc.) or publisher who submits cue sheets, you can give it a spin and start using the new functionality.

  • Register or submit cue sheets
  • Search cue sheets
  • While it is a standalone Portal, you can easily move to it from within the Writer Portal

Why should you use the Cue Sheet Portal?

  • Submitting an accurate and complete cue sheet will help you get paid faster, linking usage to your works as soon as it’s reported to us
  • Improved matching and processing to authorise data

New functionality for:

  • Games composers - you have a dedicated cue sheet form
  • Partial cue sheets submissions
  • Improved processing for cue sheets submitted by broadcast, SVOD and other screen clients

How can you access the Cue Sheet Portal?

  • Log in to the Writer Portal as usual, go to Works >> Works Overview >> Register a Cue Sheet >> you will be taken seamlessly into the Cue Sheet Portal.
  • Or, log in directly to the Cue Sheet Portal using your Writer Portal username/password (you no longer need a separate Cue Sheet Portal login).
  • In some cases, you may need to activate your access. If you get a pop-up, please procced with that request and we will get you set up.

    * If you have any access issues, please contact [email protected] or your designated writer representative.*
  • Publishers with 'Register' permissions, can set up access to the new Cue Sheet Portal via the Publisher Portal.

Your feedback helps us to make improvements and add new features, so please continue to share your thoughts via in-Portal feedback or direct with a rep.