The New Zealand music industry has today submitted a joint sector submission to the Copyright Act review. Industry and advocacy groups Recorded Music New Zealand, APRA AMCOS, Independent Music NZ (IMNZ), The Music Managers Forum (MMF NZ) and the NZ Music Commission Te Reo Reka O Aotearoa have set out the industry’s responses to the issues paper and key priorities in the review of the Copyright Act.
Representing artists, songwriters, composers, record companies, distributors, music publishers, managers and many others involved in the creation of music, the submission explains how music’s contribution to Aotearoa is enabled and sustained by copyright.
To coincide with its submission to the Copyright Act review, the music organisations have also produced The New Zealand Music Industry | Te Ahumahi Puoro o Aotearoa as an introduction to and a report on the state of the industry. The document explains who we are and what we do, and is essential background to the industry’s response to the Issues Paper. It includes information on the economic, social and cultural contribution of the music industry to New Zealanders’ wellbeing, how we have embraced and adapted to the digital environment and the multiplicity of licensed ways for consumers to enjoy music.
New Zealanders all benefit from a thriving music ecosystem: culturally, socially and economically. A robust copyright framework is an essential element of that ecosystem both to ensure sustainable growth, and to allow the freedom to explore, experiment and take the creative risks that allow us to lead, express our uniqueness, and drive our artform forwards.
The Copyright Act provides a sound framework, however in light of the rapid digital transformation of the music industry and the related challenges, there are some key issues that must be addressed to ensure that it continues to foster sustainable growth into the future. This is essential both to preserve New Zealand’s national and cultural identity, and to develop our position as exporters on the world stage.
The industry is asking that the NZ copyright framework recognises the value of music, for its contribution to our social and cultural wellbeing as well as to the economy and employment.
The industry’s priorities are that the copyright law:
Enables creators and investors to obtain fair value for their work through being able to choose who can use their music and on what terms;
Provides effective tools to enable creators and investors to safeguard music against unauthorised uses;
Is clear and provides for legal certainty, respects market solutions and recognises that licensing fuels innovation, not exceptions;
Harmonises New Zealand’s laws in line with those of our trading partners, to maximise export success;
Reflects Aotearoa New Zealand’s rich cultural diversity and contributes to ensuring that all our voices, including those of Tangata Whenua and our diverse communities, can be valued and heard.