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Using music in audio-visual media

Do I need a licence for synchronisation?

If you are synchronising copyright music with any visual media and sharing that audio-visual material with others - whether in person at an event or exhibition, streaming online, or providing copies or downloads - you will usually need permission from the copyright owner(s).

If your audio-visual media is for private and domestic use only, please go here (OneMusic NZ).

Sharing, streaming and screening audio-visual media

Depending on how you are making your audio-visual media available, you may also require additional licensing from APRA AMCOS or OneMusic Australia.

Sharing and streaming online – you may need a separate licence to cover the communication and reproduction of music from an online platform. Please contact [email protected].

Displaying audio-visual material at an event or exhibition - you may need a licence from OneMusic New Zealand to cover the public performance of the music.