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Announcing The Baysting Prize For Children's Champion

Story Published Thursday 21 November 2019
Arthur Baysting

APRA NZ is delighted to announce a new award to celebrate children in Aotearoa, New Zealand: The Baysting Prize for Children’s Champion.

The Children’s Champion award will be presented annually at the New Zealand Children’s Music Awards, to an individual, group, or organisation who has made a significant and outstanding contribution to the development and wellbeing of New Zealand children, through the creation of or support for music, TV programmes, films, videos, live shows, books, education, or advocacy.

It will be known as the Baysting Prize in honour of author, songwriter and children’s advocate, Arthur Baysting, who has championed children’s content creators in Aotearoa on behalf of our children, working to provide kiwi kids with accessible art of all varieties that reflects their home and culture, while also inspiring and educating.

“Today more than ever we must recognise the importance our youngest New Zealanders. Arthur Baysting has been single minded in his vision for children in New Zealand - that our stories, our songs, our films, and television programmes can all play a part in developing well-rounded and inquisitive young people, leading to more fulfilled adults. We wholeheartedly support this kaupapa”, says APRA’s Anthony Healey.
“We want to support and celebrate those who play a significant part in improving the lives of children in NZ because it is all our futures’ at stake”.

Fellow organiser, much loved children’s television icon Suzy Cato says further:
“This award is a wonderful way to acknowledge the mahi, the work, done by an individual or a group, but it is equally an acknowledgement of our tamariki and the role they play within society. It is vital that we provide nurturing environments where a child can truly have a sense of their Mana whenua, a sense of belonging; so they can thrive and grow into strong, vibrant, contributing members of our communities. Content that celebrates, reflects and connects them with their peers, their communities and themselves is a key component” she says.

The inaugural recipient will be announced at the Children’s Music Awards in May 2020. The recipient will be chosen by a specially convened panel, and will include a prize of $3000.