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Community radio licences

Who's this licence for?

Community non-commercial Radio Broadcasters include Iwi, Access and student radio. Our Community Radio Licences are for radio stations broadcasting on an AM/FM signal that derive income from a variety of sources that includes limited advertising, government appropriation (NZ On Air funding) and sponsorship or subscription revenue. If you are looking for information on online-only radio stations, head over to Online licences.

We offer a Permanent or Temporary licence to Community Radio Stations covering broadcast, reproduction and online use on an “opt-in” basis, so stations only pay for what they need.

Stations can choose which rights they need:

  • Broadcasting music from the radio station (APRA).
  • Copying music on to storage devices (such as tablets or hard drives) for use in programs and for using Production Music from AMCOS in sponsorship announcements (AMCOS).
  • Simulcast (webcasting)/On demand streaming - the communication of music through webcasting and on-demand streaming.
  • Other online use on the station’s website - the communication of music from the website through podcasts or streaming individual clips.

Contact us to get your licence