Submit Performance Reports on the go, all year round via the app or the upgraded Writer Portal. No more stressful deadlines!
Get paid more regularly: submit Performance Reports and get paid quarterly, instead of annually.
If you're playing live shows, make sure to submit Performance Reports, so you can get paid.
It’s been way too long between gigs for many of you. But live music is on its way back, so if you’re out there playing gigs or about to, make sure you are in the mindset of submitting Performance Reports so you can get paid.
There is no cut-off date for Performance Reports, you submit them as you like, when it's convenient for you.
Performance Reports royalties will be paid quarterly, per the APRA domestic royalty payment calendar with payments in February, May, August, November. The first of the quarterly payment will be paid in August.
APRA AMCOS for Music Creators app